“HRM has been monitoring air quality in Houston Area for more than 30 years”


HRM Monitoring Station Locations
Site Name:
Street Address:
GPS Coordinates (°):
GPS Coordinates (° ’ ”):

View to the Northwest View to the North View to the Northeast
View to the West Overall View of the Site View to the East
View to the Southwest View to the South View to the Southeast

Click on site locations on map above to change map to that location. There are four levels of maps. 24 miles for the overview, 40,000 feet, 13,000 feet, and 5,000 feet for each site. Clicking on the site location in the 5,000 foot map brings up photos from the site facing each of the eight (north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest) directions. The small map above and to the left of the main map shows the previous map visited or the top level for the site photos. Clicking on this map changes the main map to this map and reverses the direction that further clicks go.

TCEQ Air Monitoring Locations in the Houston area and the rest of Texas can be found on this page of the agency website.


Last update: 10/24/2017